Monday, November 19, 2007


It's not unusual to hear a person these days bitching about the trains. If you are simply not a fan of understandable complaints, then don't read this.

I have a habit of pointing out the negative!

Must there always be a scene on morning trains?

They're always packed, there is never a bloody seat to sit and it's early. Majority of people like myself, are already in crabby moods, simply because we're out of bed! It's always annoying to be on public transport, but when another person makes this already unbearable experience worse, that's when I get the shits!

Are all school kids normal when alone, then turn into complete wankers once accompanied by friends?

I completely understand being loud and having a laugh with buddies, but when you start blocking the doors at stops and jumping on the seats (mind you, people are sitting on them) then its totally uncalled for.

I hate when mothers let their toodlers climb up the poles and run through the trains. Of course when they stack it down the stairs it's their fault. Take some responsibility.

Not unless you are a complete weirdo with a foot fetish...NO ONE LIKES BARE FEET UP ON THE SEAT NEXT TO THEM! Your not even supposed to be putting your feet up, but if you really must, closed shoes would be nice.

To that man who felt the urge to throw his cigarette at my feet this morning.

Shame you didn't choke on it.

Some people should just be banned from public transport. I propose a special lane for them on roads....TO FLINSTONE THEY'RE ASSES TO WHEREVER THEY HAVE TO BE HAHA!


Anonymous said...

haha yes i agree some people should be banned from public transport. did i tell you yesterday on the train this guy sitting next to me was looking at porn haha

Rosa said...

haha i totally agree with you
last time there was a crazy woman was trying to push me off the train...thats murdering!

l love your blog heaps fun stuff Mr worlds are cute but they can replace prison break haha

min said...

Crazy people on public transport... I was asked by a druggo man at central if i wanted to go with him n earn some money in Redfern giving him a good time! Yes some people, if you can call them that should be banned or shoved in a seperate carriage!
I really hate weirdos on trains...

Sugar n Spice. said...

Well, I totally agree with you but I would go one step further and say that PUBLIC TRANSPORT should be banned! Hahahaha, There are just way too many freaks and germs on buses and trains and who knows, if we get rid of them maybe people will start walking or riding a bike around town. Hehe, that may help combat the nation's obesity epidemic!!! Benefits for all I say!

P.S, Considering this is coming from me, I hope you know not to take my comment too seriously, or should you??? ....hehehehe. xoxox

Wiki wiki!!!!! Oh, I seriously crack myself up!